
Effective way of Losing Weight---MOTIVATION!

In my efforts to lose weight, I have jumped from one website to another trying to research for the most effective and healthy way of shedding off the pounds. At this point in time my drive to become what I have been dreaming of since I was little girl motivated me to lose weight.

What I am doing?:

  • No rice on every meal. (Sometimes I cheat, perhaps 1 cup of rice in a week.)
  • Cut down on carbs and sugar. I only eat wheat bread and wheat pasta.
  • Fruits and veggies.
  • Dandelion tea. This works like wonder for me. I found out that this tea is superb for the liver and kidney. No wonder I pee like an open spigot every time I go to the john. It flushes out excess water in the body and speeds up metabolism.

I stumbled upon ACAI BERRY. This was featured in Oprah and Rachel Ray and was praised for it's health benefits. It flushes out toxins and help lose weight. So I went to vitacost.com where my gtalk friends order their supplements and I was overwhelmed with the reviews on this amazing product about it's effectiveness and having lost weight just with the trial pack!

For more information you can visit this link. I am hoping to share to you this new learning I found today.

Weight check: Dec 11/08: 127 lbs
Jan 26/09: 118 lbs

so far so good!


Obama Look Alike is not a Filipino

One day last month, an email from my mail box put a wide smile in my face when I saw the pics of the Obama look alike, wearing a suite, shaking hands with people. Many thought he was a Filipino. This email got into my inbox one more time, this time from my Uncle in the US. He thought that he was a Filipino too.

While watching the tube , amazement filled me when I saw the Obama look alike in a pharmaceutical commercial with Ate Glow. It was really funny though.

Not until yesterday, Choy, my funny and smart colleague told me that the Obama look alike, who we thought was a Pinoy, was really an Indonesian. Of course, my initial reaction was turn around, get my hands on the keyboard and google it.

Ilham Anas, who bears a striking resemblance with newly inaugurated US president Barack Obama is an Indonesian magazine photographer.

photos by yahoo
Yahoo News


New Year and a New Blog

Months passed by quickly and I have totally have forgotten my idea back then to create a new blog. Coming up with a topic did not come easy. I wanted something different with what I talk about with my first blog. Money making online is not gonna work for me, SEO blah blah is French to me. Maybe down the road, i can be SEO guru and earn money like Carlo Ocab (the teenager Filipino blogger who made it to the top of the blogging industry).

Just today, blogging about my work up and struggle to get preggo got boring to me. I needed to talk about something new.

NEW is the keyword.

I am an internet addict. Whatever pops up into my mind, I need to research about it. I feel the need of learning and be able to talk about it. At the end of day, Internet makes you smart.
At work, I get a lot of questions about software and hardware that I have never used or laid my eyes on but I still manage to answer and sound like I am a guru. Thanks to Google.

So this Blog is all about New to Ivy. I will blog about the everything and anything new that I learn hoping that you get to learn from it too (you may already know it.)